Sunday, May 19, 2013

Random Pictures of our week!

We began our week with lunch at Zsuzsa's on Sunday which happened to be her birthday and also mother's day in America.

Monday the College's, who are serving in Kaposvar, came to visit so we took them to see the Picnic. We can't step past the sign because we are not suppose to leave Hungary.

This is proof that we came back.

We also visited Esterhazy Palace.

Wednesday was our branch missionary meeting. We have a great mission leader now.

Thursday night Jorrien came for a short visit. He was in the student ward at Utah State when Steve was in the bisopric.

We discovered a lake or a pond as some people back home would say. It started to rain just as we got there. We were surprised to see the rain because we hadn't washed the car that day.

Saturday Elder Flammer cut Elder Seegmiller's hair. Now if he would just cut his own hair someone in our companionship would be very happy.

Saturday afternoon we had a district (three branch) Relief Society Meeting where we learned how to put 72 hour kits together. We were lucky enough to have three wonderful Sisters come from Budapest to join us. It was a great week and a busy week mixed in with the normal things.


  1. Looks like you are always having a great time - glad the 72 hours kit went togeather well. I also had a great week love you guys.

  2. It looks like you had a busy week! I love how much the barber is concentrating on his customer :) I hope you have a great week this next one!
