Sunday, January 13, 2013

Let's Sweep some snow!

We woke up to see about five new inches of snow! This is the most snow we have seen on our car in a year.

Steve did a fine job of sweeping the tile steps which are plenty slick with rain or snow on them. So far we have been able to stay on our feet.

We thought we had snow on Monday but yesterday we really got some snow.

It just kept coming and people shoveled several times.

This is the house behind us. This picture is taken out our bedroom door.

It is hard to see but Steve shoveled a spot for our car when it comes home this morning and now it is drifted over again.

This picture is taken looking off our deck. It is fun to see the designs the wind makes.

As we are looking an enjoying the beauty of the storm I have to think that bear have to be the smartest of all animals. The only bad part is that they wouldn't get to see stuff like this.

Another good thing is that Steve is getting all the exercise he wants.


  1. Wow you must still be connected with Utah weather! They are getting dumped on with snow. Glad you can enjoy a little snow :)

  2. Looks like you guys got alot of snow also. Thank goodness we have such great neighbors they keep us plowed out. Love you
