Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our "P" day,

Each Monday is the Elder's P day, so we drive so they can show us some of the neat things around.  I thought we would take you on a pictorial tour of our neighborhood, and a little bit of downtown, on the way to the Branch House.

This is our home. We live on the left side.  We hired Robert Redford to stand up there...  We believe this is also a "Bed and Breakfast" as there is an apartment up stairs with nice stuff in it like a tall frig and a real washer, but they haven't said anything about that to us. It may have something to do with the fact we can't speak their language, and they can't speak ours.  Shauna was standing out in the street to take this picture.  The next two pictures will be as she turns right, and then around down the street.

This is the road we go down to get into town.  There are some pretty nice houses around here.

This house is right across the street. What you don't see here is the millions and millions of dogs hidden in the brush so they can bark at all times of the day and night.

This is the street that leads into "downtown" Sopron.  This is one of the bigger streets in downtown. 

This is the street our branch house is on.  Look at how close the sidewalk is to the street.  We were going down the street yesterday when a little kid on a trike was coming towards us on the sidewalk on the right.  It scared the heck out of me because he was riding right next to the road.  If he would have fallen off into the road..... well  I don't really want to think about that.  Some people drive really fast, even down narrow roads like this.

  This is the a church in Harka.  It is a small town close to the border.  I will show you some pictures of it below.

This statue tells that the town was originally names Harka then was changed to Magrarfartra by mistake in 1947 but in 1990 it was restored to  Harka.

It is a small village but has two churches.

 We then went a couple of kilometers further and came to the Austrian border,  The area is grape vineyards almost as far as the eye can see.  Below will give you a little information about them in the green part and it is in English. There are these small statues all over Hungary to remind us what the dominant church is and it isn't ours.

 We went into a store, one of the bigger ones in Sopron, and they had a display of wines from Sopron. Apparently it is a pretty big business. Three rows in the grocery stores.  

This is the Austrian side.

This is the Hungarian side

.The town are always compact.  You don't see a lot of farm houses in the country.  That is the way it is in all of Europe I have seen.  But everything is well manicured.

This is the border between Austria and Hungary. You can see how intimidating it must of been to cross. We are sure it looked different back then.

This is a small guard house that sits right on the Austrian side of the border.  This is also Shauna doing her impression of Adolph Hitler.  That is one good lookin Hitler.  It is such a privilege to be here.  It is an experience never to be forgotten.  We sure do appreciate the support of all of you.  Your comments really help us.  Thanks so much for being who you are.

PS.  Our prayers have been answered.  This is the beauty salon where Shauna got her hair cut. It is just a couple of blocks from our home on a street where there are just houses and then a little shop. Shauna was happy to have it done, and with the hair cut. It is amazing how one can communicate without words. We think they call it charades in America, here we call it survival!

Steve let me edit this so I thought it would be good to put one more picture of the cute guy!



  1. Looks like you are having a grand adventure. we had a fabulous weekend with the baptisms and blessing. There was a special feeling there and the spirit was strong. My kids "pray for Elder and Sister Flammer" at night (:

  2. Thanks for the tour - Shauna you are going to have to get a mean look on your face to play Hitler. I would really like it if you took a picture in the summer of the vines to see what it looks like. Love you guys.

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like you are both doing real well. Keep up the good work.

  4. Hurray for answered prayers. There is nothing like having your hair cut when it really needs it. I got mine done when I was in Spanish Fork last weekend. What an amazing experience. I am so glad I know you since there is very little chance I would ever visit such places. Now I get to live vicariously through both of you. :) I know how much joy comes from comments on one's blog, so I am setting a goal to be your very best commenter. I will expect a crown and a sash with the words "Queen of Comments", just so you know.

  5. Thanks for taking me with you on your tour it was great! Shauna you are a very happy Hitler:)I am so glad you found a place to get your hair cut. I love your blog and you guys. take care

  6. Hi Elder and Sister Flammer! I loved reading these and seeing all your pictures, you are so funny and it sounds like you are having a great time! We sure miss you here in Logan! Thanks for being awesome examples!
