Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A bird's eye view

Last Monday which was preparation day. Elder Abrok and Elder Bowen invited us to hike to the tower above Sopron.

We thought this was a great idea but we had to stop so they could rest. It is hard to keep up with the senior couples here.

They soon got their strength back and we were on the way upward again.

When we got to the top, this is the building that awaited us with 72 steps to the top, give or take a few I kept running out of breath as I counted them.

It was a long way up there!

But as the old saying goes " the harder the trek up the mountain, the greater the view at the top." It was for sure the case here.

It was amazing in every direction. This is a picture of Sopron, our house is by the edge of the trees on the right!

It was a little windy up there, thank heavens there was this pole so that I didn't blow overboard.

Elder Bowen likes heights about as much as me!

What brave missionaries!

There is security in numbers.

This is the radio or TV tower that we always tried to find with our bikes. When we spot it from traveling back from Budapest we know we are almost home.

It is true that if a person is afraid of heights they should never look down!

Fertod Lake or the Neusiedler See as the Austrians call it is in the background. Part is in Hungary and part in Austria.

It is was a great day to be up in the sky.

We were able to get our legs to carry us back down the stairs. I wore my USU sweatshirt in case there was someone that knew about Cache Valley.

A good time was had by all!


  1. Wow that looks pretty fun, but I don't like heights either. I had to close my eyes when I watched the Spider Man movie, so I am not so sure I would have liked it. But I am glad you went so I don't have to.

  2. It looks like a fun hike except for the height of the view. I am not a fan of heights either. I love the USU sweatshirt awesome!

  3. See all that training climbing up the haystacks has finally come in handy. Looks like a fun day. Mike is home and life if great. Love you
